Source code for oscar

import lzf
# da4 doesn't have libgit2-dev to install pygit2 yet
# import pygit2
from tokyocabinet import hash as tch

import clickhouse_driver as clickhouse

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
import difflib
from functools import wraps
import hashlib
import os
import time
import warnings
import fnvhash

__version__ = '1.3.3'
__author__ = "Marat ("
__license__ = "GPL v3"

    # data_type: (path, prefix_bit_length)
    # prefix length means that the data are split into 2**n files,
    # e.g. key is in 0..31 for prefix length of 5 bit.

    # The most critical: raw data for the initial storage, use in sweeps, 100TB da4+ backup
    'commit_sequential_idx': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/commit_{key}.idx', 7),
    'commit_sequential_bin': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/commit_{key}.bin', 7),
    'tree_sequential_idx': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/tree_{key}.idx', 7),
    'tree_sequential_bin': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/tree_{key}.bin', 7),
    'tag_data': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/tag_{key}.bin', 7),
    'commit_data': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/commit_{key}.bin', 7),
    'tree_data': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/tree_{key}.bin', 7),
    'blob_data': ('/da4_data/All.blobs/blob_{key}.bin', 7),

    # critical - random access to trees and commits on da4 - need to do offsets for the da3
    'commit_random': ('/fast/All.sha1c/commit_{key}.tch', 7),
    'tree_random': ('/fast/All.sha1c/tree_{key}.tch', 7),

    'blob_offset': ('/fast/All.sha1o/sha1.blob_{key}.tch', 7),
    'commit_offset': ('/fast/All.sha1o/sha1.commit_{key}.tch', 7),
    'tree_offset': ('/fast/All.sha1o/sha1.tree_{key}.tch', 7),
    # the rest of x_data is currently unused:
    # 'commit_data': ('/data/All.blobs/commit_{key}.bin',  # 7)
    # 'tree_data': ('/data/All.blobs/tree_{key}.bin', 7)
    # 'tag_data': ('/data/All.blobs/tag_{key}.bin', 7)

    # relations - good to have but not critical
    # move to current version R as they get updated
    'commit_projects': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2pFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_children': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2ccFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_time_author': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2taFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_root': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2rFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_parent': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2pcFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'author_commits': ('/da0_data/basemaps/a2cFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'author_projects': ('/da0_data/basemaps/a2pFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'author_files': ('/da0_data/basemaps/a2fFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'project_authors': ('/da0_data/basemaps/p2aFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),

    'commit_head': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2hFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_blobs': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2bFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'commit_files': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2fFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'project_commits': ('/da0_data/basemaps/p2cFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'blob_commits': ('/da0_data/basemaps/b2cFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'blob_authors': ('/da0_data/basemaps/b2aFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'file_authors': ('/da0_data/basemaps/f2aFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'file_commits': ('/da0_data/basemaps/f2cFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'file_blobs': ('/da0_data/basemaps/f2bFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),
    'blob_files': ('/da0_data/basemaps/b2fFull{ver}.{key}.tch', 5),

    'author_trpath':('/da0_data/basemaps/a2trp{ver}.tch', 5),

    # another way to get commit parents, currently unused
    # 'commit_parents': ('/da0_data/basemaps/c2pcK.{key}.tch', 7)

    # SHA1 cache, currently only on da4, da5  668G
    'blob_index_line': ('/fast/All.sha1/sha1.blob_{key}.tch', 7),
    'tree_index_line': ('/fast/All.sha1/sha1.tree_{key}.tch', 7),
    'commit_index_line': ('/fast/All.sha1/sha1.commit_{key}.tch', 7),
    'tag_index_line': ('/fast/All.sha1/sha1.tag_{key}.tch', 7)

def read_env_var():
    global PATHS
    all_blobs = [
        'commit_sequential_idx', 'commit_sequential_bin', 'tree_sequential_idx',
        'tree_sequential_bin', 'tag_data', 'commit_data', 'tree_data', 'blob_data'
    all_sha1c = [
        'commit_random', 'tree_random'
    all_sha1o = [
        'blob_offset', 'commit_offset', 'tree_offset'
    basemaps = [
        'commit_projects', 'commit_children', 'commit_time_author', 'commit_root',
        'commit_parent', 'author_commits', 'author_projects', 'project_authors',
        'commit_head', 'commit_blobs', 'commit_files', 'project_commits', 'blob_commits',
        'blob_authors', 'file_commits', 'file_blobs', 'blob_files', 'author_trpath',
        'author_files', 'file_authors'
    all_sha1 = [
        'blob_index_line', 'tree_index_line', 'commit_index_line', 'tag_index_line'

    # This map maps the environment variable name to the key names in the PATHS global variable
    # For example, environment variable 'OSCAR_BASEMAPS' will contain the directory to find all the basemaps
    # whoes PATHS key matches the elements in the basemaps array
    # unless overwrote by each specific basemaps
    general_name_map = {
        'OSCAR_ALL_BLOBS': all_blobs,
        'OSCAR_ALL_SHA1C': all_sha1c,
        'OSCAR_ALL_SHA1O': all_sha1o,
        'OSCAR_BASEMAPS': basemaps,
        'OSCAR_ALL_SHA1': all_sha1
    # This maps the environment variable name to the key names in the PATHS global variable
    # Each key in the PAHTS will have 'OSCAR_' prepended to the beginning
    # For example: OSCAR_COMMIT_DATA environment variable corresponds to PATHS['commit_data']
    specific_names = {'_'.join(['OSCAR', name.upper()]): name for name in PATHS.keys()}
    ver_names = {'_'.join(['OSCAR', name.upper(), 'VER']): name for name in basemaps}

    for v in os.environ.keys():
        if not os.environ[v]:
        # general directory config
        if v in general_name_map.keys():
            for name in general_name_map[v]:
                f = os.path.basename(PATHS[name][0])
                PATHS[name] = (os.path.join(os.environ[v], f), PATHS[name][1])
        # specific directory config overwrites general
        elif v in specific_names.keys():
            f = os.path.basename(PATHS[name][0])
            PATHS[specific_names[v]] = (os.path.join(os.environ[v],f), PATHS[specific_names[v]][1])
        # specific version config
        elif v in ver_names.keys():
            PATHS[ver_names[v]] = (
                PATHS[ver_names[v]][0].format(ver=os.environ[v], key='{key}'),
        # general version config
        elif v == "OSCAR_BASEMAPS_VER":
            for name in basemaps:
                if '{ver}' in PATHS[name][0]:
                    PATHS[name] = (PATHS[name][0].format(ver=os.environ[v], key='{key}'), PATHS[name][1])

    # if version not set, default to version R
    for key in PATHS.keys():
        if '{ver}' in PATHS[key][0]:
            PATHS[key] = (PATHS[key][0].format(ver='R', key='{key}'), PATHS[key][1])


class ObjectNotFound(KeyError):

def unber(s):
    # type: (str) -> list
    r""" Perl BER unpacking
    Format definition: from
        (see "w" template description)

    BER is a way to pack several variable-length ints into one
    binary string. Here we do the reverse

    :param s: a binary string with packed values
    :return: a list of unpacked values

    >>> unber('\x00\x83M')
    [0, 461]
    >>> unber('\x83M\x96\x14')
    [461, 2836]
    >>> unber('\x99a\x89\x12')
    [3297, 1170]
    res = []
    acc = 0
    for char in s:
        b = ord(char)
        acc = (acc << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
        if not b & 0x80:
            acc = 0
    return res

def lzf_length(raw_data):
    # type: (str) -> (int, int)
    r""" Get length of uncompressed data from a header of Compress::LZF
    output. Check Compress::LZF sources for the definition of this bit magic
        (namely, LZF.xs, decompress_sv)

    :param raw_data: data compressed with Perl Compress::LZF
    :return: tuple of (header_size, uncompressed_content_length) in bytes
    >>> lzf_length('\xc4\x9b')
    (2, 283)
    >>> lzf_length('\xc3\xa4')
    (2, 228)
    >>> lzf_length('\xc3\x8a')
    (2, 202)
    >>> lzf_length('\xca\x87')
    (2, 647)
    >>> lzf_length('\xe1\xaf\xa9')
    (3, 7145)
    >>> lzf_length('\xe0\xa7\x9c')
    (3, 2524)
    if not raw_data:
        raise ValueError("LZF compressed data are missing header")
    lower = ord(raw_data[0])
    csize = len(raw_data)
    start = 1
    mask = 0x80
    while mask and csize > start and (lower & mask):
        mask >>= 1 + (mask == 0x80)
        start += 1
    if not mask or csize < start:
        raise ValueError("LZF compressed data header is corrupted")
    usize = lower & (mask - 1)
    for i in range(1, start):
        usize = (usize << 6) + (ord(raw_data[i]) & 0x3f)
    if not usize:
        raise ValueError("LZF compressed data header is corrupted")
    return start, usize

def decomp(raw_data):
    # type: (str) -> str
    """ lzf wrapper to handle perl tweaks in Compress::LZF
    This function extracts uncompressed size header
    and then does usual lzf decompression.
    Please check Compress::LZF sources for the definition of this bit magic

    :param raw_data: data compressed with Perl Compress::LZF
    :return: string of unpacked data
    if not raw_data:
        return ""
    elif raw_data[0] == '\x00':
        return raw_data[1:]
    start, usize = lzf_length(raw_data)
    return lzf.decompress(raw_data[start:], usize)

def cached_property(func):
    """ Classic memoize with @property on top"""
    def wrapper(self):
        key = "_" + func.__name__
        if not hasattr(self, key):
            setattr(self, key, func(self))
        return getattr(self, key)
    return property(wrapper)

def slice20(raw_data):
    """ Slice raw_data into 20-byte chunks and hex encode each of them
    if raw_data is None:
        return ()

    return tuple(raw_data[i:i + 20].encode('hex')
                 for i in range(0, len(raw_data), 20))

class CommitTimezone(tzinfo):
    # a lightweight version of pytz._FixedOffset
    def __init__(self, hours, minutes):
        self.offset = timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)

    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return self.offset

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return 'fixed'

    def dst(self, dt):
        # daylight saving time - no info
        return timedelta(0)

    def __repr__(self):
        h, m = divmod(self.offset.seconds // 60, 60)
        return "<Timezone: %02d:%02d>" % (h, m)

DAY_Z = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, CommitTimezone(0, 0))

def parse_commit_date(timestamp):
    """ Parse date string of authored_at/commited_at

    git log time is in the original timezone
        gitpython - same as git log (also, it has the correct timezone)
    unix timestamps (used internally by commit objects) are in UTC
        datetime.fromtimestamp without a timezone will convert it to host tz
    github api is in UTC (this is what trailing 'Z' means)

    :param timestamp: Commit.authored_at or Commit.commited_at,
        e.g. '1337145807 +1100'
    :type timestamp: str
    :return: UTC datetime
    :rtype: datetime.datetime or None

    >>> parse_commit_date('1337145807 +1100')
    datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 16, 16, 23, 27, tzinfo=<Timezone: 11:00>)
    >>> parse_commit_date('3337145807 +1100') is None
    ts, tz = timestamp.split()
    sign = -1 if tz.startswith('-') else 1
        ts = int(ts)
        hours, minutes = sign * int(tz[-4:-2]), sign * int(tz[-2])
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, CommitTimezone(hours, minutes))
    except ValueError:
        # i.e. if timestamp or timezone is invalid
        return None

    # timestamp is in the future
    if ts > time.time():
        return None

    return dt

# Pool of open TokyoCabinet databases to save few milliseconds on opening
_TCH_POOL = {}

def _get_tch(path):
    if not path.endswith('.tch'):
        path += '.tch'
    if path not in _TCH_POOL:
        _TCH_POOL[path] = tch.Hash()
        _TCH_POOL[path].open(path, tch.HDBOREADER | tch.HDBONOLCK)
        # _TCH_POOL[path].setmutex()
    return _TCH_POOL[path]

def read_tch(path, key, silent=False):
    """ Read a value from a Tokyo Cabinet file by the specified key
    Main purpose of this method is to cached open .tch handlers
    in _TCH_POOL to speedup reads

        return _get_tch(path)[key]
      return None
        #raise IOError("Tokyocabinet file " + path + " not found")
    #except KeyError:
     #   if silent:
     #       return ''
     #   raise ObjectNotFound(path + " " + key)

def tch_keys(path, key_prefix=''):
    return _get_tch(path).fwmkeys(key_prefix)

def resolve_path(dtype, object_key, use_fnv=False):
    # type: (str, str, bool) -> str
    """ Get path to a file using data type and object key (for sharding) """
    path, prefix_length = PATHS[dtype]

    p = fnvhash.fnv1a_32(object_key) if use_fnv else ord(object_key[0])
    prefix = p & (2**prefix_length - 1)
    return path.format(key=prefix)

class _Base(object):
    type = None
    key = None
    # fnv keys are used for non-git objects, such as files, projects and authors
    use_fnv_keys = True
    _keys_registry_dtype = None

    def __init__(self, key):
        :param key: unique identifier for an object of this type
        self.key = key

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s: %s>" % ((self.type or 'OscarBase').capitalize(), self.key)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.key)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        >>> sha = 'f2a7fcdc51450ab03cb364415f14e634fa69b62c'
        >>> Commit(sha) == Commit(sha)
        >>> Commit(sha) == Blob(sha)
        return isinstance(other, type(self)) \
            and self.type == other.type \
            and self.key == other.key

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __str__(self):
        return self.key

    def resolve_path(self, dtype):
        return resolve_path(dtype, self.key, self.use_fnv_keys)

    def read_tch(self, dtype, silent=True):
        """ Resolve the path and read .tch"""
        return read_tch(self.resolve_path(dtype), self.key, silent)

[docs] @classmethod def all(cls): """ Iterate all objects of the given type This might be useful to get a list of all projects, or a list of all file names. Returns: a generator of `Project` objects """ if not cls._keys_registry_dtype: raise NotImplemented base_path, prefix_length = PATHS[cls._keys_registry_dtype] for file_prefix in range(2 ** prefix_length): tch_path = base_path.format(key=file_prefix) for key in tch_keys(tch_path): yield cls(key)
class GitObject(_Base): use_fnv_keys = False @classmethod def all(cls): """ Iterate ALL objects of this type (all projects, all times) """ base_idx_path, prefix_length = PATHS[cls.type + '_sequential_idx'] base_bin_path, prefix_length = PATHS[cls.type + '_sequential_bin'] for key in range(2**prefix_length): idx_path = base_idx_path.format(key=key) bin_path = base_bin_path.format(key=key) datafile = open(bin_path) for line in open(idx_path): chunks = line.strip().split(";") if len(chunks) > 4: # cls.type == "blob": # usually, it's true for blobs; # however, some blobs follow common pattern offset, comp_length, full_length, sha = chunks[1:5] else: offset, comp_length, sha = chunks[1:4] obj = cls(sha) obj._data = decomp( yield obj datafile.close() def __init__(self, sha): """ :param sha: either a 40 char hex or a 20 bytes binary SHA1 hash >>> sha = '05cf84081b63cda822ee407e688269b494a642de' >>> GitObject(sha.decode('hex')).sha == sha True >>> GitObject(sha).bin_sha == sha.decode('hex') True """ if len(sha) == 40: self.sha = sha self.bin_sha = sha.decode("hex") elif len(sha) == 20: self.sha = sha.encode("hex") self.bin_sha = sha else: raise ValueError("Invalid SHA1 hash: %s" % sha) self.key = self.sha super(GitObject, self).__init__(sha) def resolve_path(self, dtype): # overriding to use bin_sha instead of the key (which is sha) return resolve_path(dtype, self.bin_sha, self.use_fnv_keys) def read_tch(self, dtype, silent=True): """ Resolve the path and read .tch""" return read_tch(self.resolve_path(dtype), self.bin_sha, silent) @cached_property def data(self): if self.type not in ('commit', 'tree'): raise NotImplementedError # default implementation will only work for commits and trees return decomp(self.read_tch(self.type + '_random', silent=False)) @classmethod def string_sha(cls, data): """Manually compute blob sha from its content passed as `data`. The main use case for this method is to identify source of a file. Blob SHA is computed from a string: "blob <file content length as str><null byte><file content>" # Commit SHAs are computed in a similar way "commit <commit length as str><null byte><commit content>" note that commit content includes committed/authored date Args: data (str): content of the GitObject to get hash for Returns: str: 40-byte hex SHA1 hash """ sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update("%s %d\x00" % (cls.type, len(data))) sha1.update(data) return sha1.hexdigest() @classmethod def file_sha(cls, path): buffsize = 1024 ** 2 size = os.stat(path).st_size fh = open(path, 'rb') sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update("%s %d\x00" % (cls.type, size)) while size > 0: data =, buffsize)) if not data: return sha1.hexdigest() sha1.update(data) def __str__(self): """ >>> print(Commit('f2a7fcdc51450ab03cb364415f14e634fa69b62c')) tree d4ddbae978c9ec2dc3b7b3497c2086ecf7be7d9d parent 66acf0a046a02b48e0b32052a17f1e240c2d7356 author Pavel Puchkin <> 1375321509 +1100 committer Pavel Puchkin <> 1375321597 +1100 <BLANKLINE> License changed :P <BLANKLINE> """ return
[docs]class Blob(GitObject): type = 'blob' def __len__(self): _, length = self.position return length @classmethod def string_sha(cls, data): """ >>> Blob.string_sha('Hello world!') '6769dd60bdf536a83c9353272157893043e9f7d0' """ # return pygit2.hash(data) return super(Blob, cls).string_sha(data) @classmethod def file_sha(cls, path): """Manually compute blob sha from a file content. Similar to string_sha >>> Blob.file_sha('LICENSE') '94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2' """ # return pygit2.hashfile(path) return super(Blob, cls).file_sha(path) @cached_property def position(self): """ Get offset and length of the blob data in the storage """ try: offset, length = unber(self.read_tch('blob_offset')) except ValueError: # empty read -> value not found raise ObjectNotFound('Blob data not found (bad sha?)') return offset, length @cached_property def data(self): """ Content of the blob """ offset, length = self.position # no caching here to stay thread-safe with open(self.resolve_path('blob_data'), 'rb') as fh: return decomp( @cached_property def commit_shas(self): """ SHAs of Commits in which this blob have been introduced or modified. **NOTE: commits removing this blob are not included** """ return slice20(self.read_tch('blob_commits')) @property def commits(self): """ Commits where this blob has been added or changed **NOTE: commits removing this blob are not included** """ return (Commit(bin_sha) for bin_sha in self.commit_shas)
[docs]class Tree(GitObject): """ A representation of git tree object, basically - a directory. Trees are iterable. Each element of the iteration is a 3-tuple: `(mode, filename, sha)` - `mode` is an ASCII decimal **string** similar to file mode in Unix systems. Subtrees always have mode "40000" - `filename` is a string filename, not including directories - `sha` is a 40 bytes hex string representing file content Blob SHA .. Note:: iteration is not recursive. For a recursive walk, use Tree.traverse() or Tree.files Both files and blobs can be checked for membership, either by their id (filename or SHA) or a corresponding object: >>> tree = Tree("d4ddbae978c9ec2dc3b7b3497c2086ecf7be7d9d") >>> '.gitignore' in tree True >>> File('.keep') in tree False >>> '83d22195edc1473673f1bf35307aea6edf3c37e3' in tree True >>> Blob('83d22195edc1473673f1bf35307aea6edf3c37e3') in tree True `len(tree)` returns the number of files under the tree, including files in subtrees but not the subtrees themselves: >>> len(Tree("d4ddbae978c9ec2dc3b7b3497c2086ecf7be7d9d")) 16 """ type = 'tree' def __iter__(self): """ Unpack binary tree structures, yielding 3-tuples of (mode (ASCII decimal), filename, sha (40 bytes hex)) Format description: mode (ASCII encoded decimal) SPACE (\0x20) filename NULL (\x00) 20-byte binary hash >>> len(list(Tree("d4ddbae978c9ec2dc3b7b3497c2086ecf7be7d9d"))) 6 >>> all(len(line) == 3 ... for line in Tree("954829887af5d9071aa92c427133ca2cdd0813cc")) True """ data = i = 0 while i < len(data): # mode start = i while i < len(data) and data[i] != " ": i += 1 mode = data[start:i] i += 1 # file name start = i while i < len(data) and data[i] != "\x00": i += 1 fname = data[start:i] # sha start = i + 1 i += 21 yield mode, fname, data[start:i].encode('hex') def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, File): return item.key in self.files elif isinstance(item, Blob): return item.sha in self.blob_shas elif not isinstance(item, str): return False return item in self.blob_shas or item in self.files
[docs] def traverse(self): """ Recursively traverse the tree This will generate 3-tuples of the same format as direct tree iteration, but will recursively include subtrees content. :return: generator of (mode, filename, blob/tree sha) >>> c = Commit("1e971a073f40d74a1e72e07c682e1cba0bae159b") >>> len(list(c.tree.traverse())) 8 >>> c = Commit('e38126dbca6572912013621d2aa9e6f7c50f36bc') >>> len(list(c.tree.traverse())) 36 """ for mode, fname, sha in self: yield mode, fname, sha # trees are always 40000: # if mode == "40000": for mode2, fname2, sha2 in Tree(sha).traverse(): yield mode2, fname + '/' + fname2, sha2
@property def full(self): """ Formatted tree content, including recursive files and subtrees It is intended for debug purposes only. :return: multiline string, where each line contains mode, name and sha, with subtrees expanded """ files = sorted(self.traverse(), key=lambda x: x[1]) return "\n".join(" ".join(line) for line in files) def __str__(self): """ >>> print(Tree("954829887af5d9071aa92c427133ca2cdd0813cc")) 100644 ff1f7925b77129b31938e76b5661f0a2c4500556 100644 d05d461b48a8a5b5a9d1ea62b3815e089f3eb79b 100644 d1d952ee766d616eae5bfbd040c684007a424364 40000 templates 7ff5e4c9bd3ce6ab500b754831d231022b58f689 40000 templatetags e5e994b0be2c9ce6af6f753275e7d8c29ccf75ce 100644 e9cb0c23a7f6683911305efff91dcabadb938794 100644 2cfbd298f18a75d1f0f51c2f6a1f2fcdf41a9559 100644 973a78a1fe9e69d4d3b25c92b3889f7e91142439 """ return "\n".join(" ".join(line) for line in self) @cached_property def files(self): """ A dict of all files and their content/blob sha under this tree. It includes recursive files (i.e. files in subdirectories). It does NOT include subdirectories themselves. """ return {fname: sha for mode, fname, sha in self.traverse() if mode != "40000"} @property def blob_shas(self): """A tuple of all file content shas, including files in subdirectories """ return tuple(self.files.values()) @property def blobs(self): """ A generator of Blob objects with file content. It does include files in subdirectories. >>> tuple(Tree('d20520ef8c1537a42628b72d481b8174c0a1de84').blobs ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (<Blob: 2bdf5d686c6cd488b706be5c99c3bb1e166cf2f6>, ..., <Blob: c006bef767d08b41633b380058a171b7786b71ab>) """ return (Blob(sha) for sha in self.blob_shas)
[docs]class Commit(GitObject): """ A git commit object. Commits have some special properties. Most of object properties provided by this project are lazy, i.e. they are computed when you access them for the first time. The following `Commit` properties will be instantiated all at once on the first access to *any* of them. - :data:`tree`: root `Tree` of the commit - :data:`parent_shas`: tuple of parent commit sha hashes - :data:`message`: str, first line of the commit message - :data:`full_message`: str, full commit message - :data:`author`: str, Name <email> - :data:`authored_at`: str, unix_epoch+timezone - :data:`committer`: str, Name <email> - :data:`committed_at`: str, unix_epoch+timezone """ type = 'commit' def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Mimic special properties: tree: root Tree of the commit parent_shas: tuple of parent commit sha hashes message: str, first line of the commit message full_message: str, full commit message author: str, Name <email> authored_at: timezone-aware datetime or None (if invalid) committer: str, Name <email> committed_at: timezone-aware datetime or None (if invalid) signature: str or None, PGP signature Commit: >>> c = Commit('e38126dbca6572912013621d2aa9e6f7c50f36bc') >>>'Marat') True >>> c.authored_at datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 19, 1, 14, 8, tzinfo=<Timezone: 11:00>) >>> c.tree.sha '6845f55f47ddfdbe4628a83fdaba35fa4ae3c894' >>> len(c.parent_shas) 1 >>> c.parent_shas[0] 'ab124ab4baa42cd9f554b7bb038e19d4e3647957' >>> c.committed_at datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 19, 1, 14, 8, tzinfo=<Timezone: 11:00>) """ attrs = ('tree', 'parent_shas', 'message', 'full_message', 'author', 'committer', 'authored_at', 'committed_at', 'signature') if attr not in attrs: raise AttributeError for a in attrs: setattr(self, a, None) self.header, self.full_message ="\n\n", 1) self.message = self.full_message.split("\n", 1)[0] parent_shas = [] signature = None reading_signature = False for line in self.header.split("\n"): if reading_signature: # examples: # 1cc6f4418dcc09f64dcbb0410fec76ceaa5034ab # cbbc685c45bdff4da5ea0984f1dd3a73486b4556 signature += line if line.strip() == "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----": self.signature = signature reading_signature = False continue if line.startswith(" "): # mergetag object, not supported (yet?) # example: c1313c68c7f784efaf700fbfb771065840fc260a continue line = line.strip() if not line: # sometimes there is an empty line after gpgsig continue try: key, value = line.split(" ", 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unexpected header in commit " + self.sha) if key == "tree": self.tree = Tree(value) elif key == "parent": # multiple parents possible parent_shas.append(value) elif key == "author": # author name can have arbitrary number of spaces while # timestamp is guaranteed to have one, so rsplit chunks = value.rsplit(" ", 2) = chunks[0] self.authored_at = parse_commit_date(" ".join(chunks[1:])) elif key == "committer": # same logic as author chunks = value.rsplit(" ", 2) self.committer = chunks[0] self.committed_at = parse_commit_date(" ".join(chunks[1:])) elif key == 'gpgsig': signature = value reading_signature = True self.parent_shas = tuple(parent_shas) return getattr(self, attr) def __sub__(self, parent, threshold=0.5): """ Compare two Commits. Args: parent (Commit): another commit to compare to. Expected order is `diff = child_commit - parent_commit` Returns: Generator[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]]]: 4-tuples: `(old_path, new_path, old_sha, new_sha)` Examples: - a new file '' was created: `(None, '', None, 'file_sha')` - an existing '' was deleted: `('', None, 'old_file_sha', None)` - was renamed to, content unchanged: `('', '', 'file_sha', 'file_sha')` - was edited: `('', '', 'old_file_sha', 'new_file_sha')` - was edited and renamed to `('', '', 'old_file_sha', 'new_file_sha')` Detecting the last one is computationally expensive. You can adjust this behaviour by passing the `threshold` parameter, which is 0.5 by default. It means that if roughly 50% of the file content is the same, it is considered a match. `threshold=1` means that only exact matches are considered, effectively disabling this comparison. If threshold is set to 0, any pair of deleted and added file will be considered renamed and edited; this last case doesn't make much sense so don't set it too low. """ if parent.sha not in self.parent_shas: warnings.warn("Comparing non-adjacent commits might be " "computationally expensive. Proceed with caution.") # filename: (blob sha before, blob sha after) new_files = self.tree.files new_paths = set(new_files.keys()) old_files = parent.tree.files old_paths = set(old_files.keys()) # unchanged_paths for fname in new_paths.intersection(old_paths): if new_files[fname] != old_files[fname]: # i.e. the Blob sha is the same yield (fname, fname, old_files[fname], new_files[fname]) added_paths = new_paths - old_paths deleted_paths = old_paths - new_paths if threshold >= 1: # i.e. only exact matches are considered for fname in added_paths: yield (None, fname, None, new_files[fname]) for fname in deleted_paths: yield (fname, None, old_files[fname], None) return # search for matches sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() added_blobs = {f: Blob(new_files[f]) for f in added_paths} deleted_blobs = {f: Blob(old_files[f]) for f in deleted_paths} # for each added blob, try to find a match in deleted blobs # if there is a match, signal a rename and remove from deleted # if there is no match, signal a new file # unused deleted blobs are indeed deleted for added_fname, added_blob in added_blobs.items(): sm.set_seq1(added_blob) matched = False for deleted_fname, deleted_blob in deleted_blobs.items(): sm.set_seq2(deleted_blob) # use quick checks first (lower bound by length diff) if sm.real_quick_ratio() > threshold \ and sm.quick_ratio() > threshold \ and sm.ratio() > threshold: yield (deleted_fname, added_fname, deleted_blob, added_blob) del(deleted_blobs[deleted_fname]) matched = True break if not matched: # this is a new file yield (None, added_fname, None, added_blob) for deleted_fname, deleted_blob in deleted_blobs.items(): yield (deleted_fname, None, deleted_blob, None) @property def parents(self): """ A generator of parent commits. If you only need hashes (and not `Commit` objects), use `.parent_sha` instead Commit: >>> c = Commit('e38126dbca6572912013621d2aa9e6f7c50f36bc') >>> tuple(c.parents) (<Commit: ab124ab4baa42cd9f554b7bb038e19d4e3647957>,) """ return (Commit(sha) for sha in self.parent_shas) @cached_property def project_names(self): # type: () -> tuple """ URIs of projects including this commit. This property can be used to find all forks of a project by its first commit. Commit: >>> c = Commit('f2a7fcdc51450ab03cb364415f14e634fa69b62c') >>> isinstance(c.project_names, tuple) True >>> len(c.project_names) > 0 True >>> 'user2589_minicms' in c.project_names True """ data = decomp(self.read_tch('commit_projects')) return tuple(project_name for project_name in (data and data.split(";")) or [] if project_name and project_name != 'EMPTY') @property def projects(self): """ A generator of `Project` s, in which this commit is included. """ return (Project(uri) for uri in self.project_names) @cached_property def child_shas(self): """ Children commit binary sha hashes. Basically, this is a reverse parent_shas Commit: >>> Commit('1e971a073f40d74a1e72e07c682e1cba0bae159b').child_shas ('9bd02434b834979bb69d0b752a403228f2e385e8',) """ return slice20(self.read_tch('commit_children')) @property def children(self): """ A generator of children `Commit` objects Commit: >>> tuple(Commit('1e971a073f40d74a1e72e07c682e1cba0bae159b').children) (<Commit: 9bd02434b834979bb69d0b752a403228f2e385e8>,) """ return (Commit(sha) for sha in self.child_shas) @cached_property def blob_shas(self): """ SHA hashes of all blobs in the commit >>> Commit('af0048f4aac8f4760bf9b816e01524d7fb20a3fc').blob_shas ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ('b2f49ffef1c8d7ce83a004b34035f917713e2766', 'c92011c5ccc32a9248bd929a6e56f846ac5b8072', 'bf3c2d2df2ef710f995b590ac3e2c851b592c871') """ return self.tree.blob_shas @cached_property def changed_file_names(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('commit_files')) return tuple((data and data.split(";")) or []) def files_changed(self): return (File(filename) for filename in self.changed_file_names) @property def blob_shas_rel(self): """ This relation is known to miss every first file in all trees. Consider using Commit.tree.blobs as a slower but more accurate alternative. When this relation passes the test, please replace blob_sha with it It should be faster but as of now it is not accurate """ warnings.warn( "This relation is known to miss every first file in all trees. " "Consider using Commit.tree.blobs as a slower but more accurate " "alternative", DeprecationWarning) return slice20(self.read_tch('commit_blobs')) @property def blobs(self): """ A generator of `Blob` objects included in this commit >>> tuple(Commit('af0048f4aac8f4760bf9b816e01524d7fb20a3fc').blobs) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (<Blob: b2f49ffef1c8d7ce83a004b34035f917713e2766>, <Blob: c92011c5ccc32a9248bd929a6e56f846ac5b8072>, <Blob: bf3c2d2df2ef710f995b590ac3e2c851b592c871>) """ return (Blob(bin_sha) for bin_sha in self.blob_shas) @cached_property def files(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('commit_files')) return tuple(file_name for file_name in (data and data.split(";")) or [] if file_name and file_name != 'EMPTY')
class Commit_info(GitObject): @cached_property def time_author(self): data = self.read_tch('commit_time_author') return tuple(time_author for time_author in (data and data.split(";"))) @cached_property def head(self): data = slice20(self.read_tch('commit_head')) return data class Tag(GitObject): """ Tag doesn't have any functionality associated. You can't really do anything useful with it yet """ type = 'tag'
[docs]class Project(_Base): """ Projects are initialized with a URI: - Github: `{user}_{repo}`, e.g. `user2589_minicms` - Gitlab: `gl_{user}_{repo}` - Bitbucket: `bb_{user}_{repo}` - Bioconductor: `bioconductor.org_{user}_{repo}` - kde: `kde.org_{user}_{repo}` - drupal: `drupal.org_{user}_{repo}` - Googlesouce: `android.googlesource.com_{repo}_{user}` - Linux kernel: `git.kernel.org_{user}_{repo}` - PostgreSQL: `git.postgresql.org_{user}_{repo}` - GNU Savannah: `git.savannah.gnu.org_{user}_{repo}` - ZX2C4: `git.zx2c4.com_{user}_{repo}` - GNOME: `gitlab.gnome.org_{user}_{repo}` - `repo.or.cz_{user}_{repo}` - Salsa: `salsa.debian.org_{user}_{repo}` - SourceForge: `sourceforge.net_{user}_{repo}` Projects are iterable: >>> for commit in Project('user2589_minicms'): # doctest: +SKIP ... print(commit.sha) Commits can be checked for membership in a project, either by their SHA hash or by a Commit object itself: Commit: >>> sha = 'e38126dbca6572912013621d2aa9e6f7c50f36bc' >>> sha in Project('user2589_minicms') True >>> Commit(sha) in Project('user2589_minicms') True """ type = 'project' _keys_registry_dtype = 'project_commits' def __init__(self, uri): self.uri = uri super(Project, self).__init__(uri) def __iter__(self): """ Generator of all commits in the project. Order of commits is not guaranteed >>> commits = tuple(Project('user2589_minicms')) >>> len(commits) > 60 True >>> isinstance(commits[0], Commit) True """ for sha in self.commit_shas: try: c = Commit(sha) author = except ObjectNotFound: continue if author != 'GitHub Merge Button <>': yield c def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Commit): key = item.key elif isinstance(item, str): if len(item) == 20: key = item.encode('hex') elif len(item) == 40: key = item else: return False else: return False return key in self.commit_shas @cached_property def commit_shas(self): """ SHA1 of all commits in the project >>> Project('user2589_django-currencies').commit_shas ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ('2dbcd43f077f2b5511cc107d63a0b9539a6aa2a7', '7572fc070c44f85e2a540f9a5a05a95d1dd2662d') """ tch_path = self.resolve_path('project_commits') return slice20(read_tch(tch_path, self.key, silent=True)) @property def commits(self): """ A generator of all Commit objects in the project. It has the same effect as iterating a `Project` instance itself, with some additional validation of commit dates. >>> tuple(Project('user2589_django-currencies').commits) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (<Commit: 2dbcd43f077f2b5511cc107d63a0b9539a6aa2a7>, <Commit: 7572fc070c44f85e2a540f9a5a05a95d1dd2662d>) """ commits = tuple(c for c in self) tails = tuple(c for c in commits if not c.parent_shas and c.authored_at is not None) if tails: min_date = min(c.authored_at for c in tails) else: # i.e. if all tails have invalid date min_date = DAY_Z for c in commits: if c.authored_at and c.authored_at < min_date: c.authored_at = None yield c @cached_property def head(self): """ Get the HEAD commit of the repository >>> Project('user2589_minicms').head <Commit: f2a7fcdc51450ab03cb364415f14e634fa69b62c> >>> Project('RoseTHERESA_SimpleCMS').head <Commit: a47afa002ccfd3e23920f323b172f78c5c970250> """ # Sometimes (very rarely) commit dates are wrong, so the latest commit # is not actually the head. The magic below is to account for this commits = {c.sha: c for c in self.commits} parents = set().union(*(c.parent_shas for c in commits.values())) heads = set(commits.keys()) - parents # it is possible that there is more than one head. # E.g. it happens when HEAD is moved manually (git reset) # and continued with a separate chain of commits. # in this case, let's just use the latest one # actually, storing refs would make it much simpler return sorted((commits[sha] for sha in heads), key=lambda c: c.authored_at or DAY_Z)[-1] @cached_property def tail(self): """ Get the first commit SHA by following first parents >>> Project('user2589_minicms').tail '1e971a073f40d74a1e72e07c682e1cba0bae159b' """ commits = {c.sha: c for c in self.commits} pts = set(c.parent_shas[0] for c in commits.values() if c.parent_shas) for sha, c in commits.items(): if sha in pts and not c.parent_shas: return sha @property def commits_fp(self): """ Get a commit chain by following only the first parent, to mimic . Thus, you only get a small subset of the full commit tree: >>> p = Project('user2589_minicms') >>> set(c.sha for c in p.commits_fp).issubset(p.commit_shas) True In scenarios where branches are not important, it can save a lot of computing. Note: commits will come in order from the latest to the earliest. """ # Simplified version of self.head(): # - slightly less precise, # - 20% faster # # out of 500 randomly sampled projects, 493 had the same head. # In the remaining 7: # 2 had the same commit chain length, # 3 had one more commit # 1 had two more commits # 1 had three more commits # Execution time: # simplified version (argmax): ~153 seconds # self.head(): ~190 seconds # at this point we know all commits are in the dataset # (validated in __iter___) commits = {c.sha: c for c in self.commits} commit = max(commits.values(), key=lambda c: c.authored_at or DAY_Z) while commit: try: # here there is no guarantee commit is in the dataset first_parent = commit.parent_shas and commit.parent_shas[0] except ObjectNotFound: break yield commit if not first_parent: break commit = commits.get(first_parent, Commit(first_parent)) def toURL(self): ''' Get the URL for a given project URI >>> Project('CS340-19_lectures').toURL() '' ''' p_name = self.uri found = False toUrlMap = { "bb": "", "gl": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "" , "": "", "": "" , "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": ""} for URL in toUrlMap.keys(): URL_ = URL + "_" if p_name.startswith(URL_) and (p_name.count('_') >= 2 or URL == ""): replacement = toUrlMap[URL] + "/" p_name = p_name.replace(URL_, replacement) found = True break if not found: p_name = "" + p_name p_name = p_name.replace('_', '/', 1) return "https://" + p_name @cached_property def author_names(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('project_authors')) return tuple(author_name for author_name in (data and data.split(";")) or [] if author_name and author_name != 'EMPTY')
[docs]class File(_Base): """ Files are initialized with a path, starting from a commit root tree: >>> File('.gitignore') # doctest: +SKIP >>> File('docs/Index.rst') # doctest: +SKIP """ type = 'file' _keys_registry_dtype = 'file_commits' def __init__(self, path): self.path = path super(File, self).__init__(path) @cached_property def authors(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('file_authors')) return tuple(author for author in (data and data.split(";"))) @cached_property def commit_shas(self): """ SHA1 of all commits changing this file **NOTE: this relation considers only diff with the first parent, which substantially limits its application** >>> commits = File('minicms/templatetags/').commit_shas >>> len(commits) > 0 True >>> isinstance(commits, tuple) True >>> isinstance(commits[0], str) True >>> len(commits[0]) == 40 True """ file_path = self.key #if not file_path.endswith("\n"): # file_path += "\n" tch_path = resolve_path('file_commits', file_path, self.use_fnv_keys) return slice20(read_tch(tch_path, file_path, silent=True)) @property def commits(self): """ All commits changing the file .. note: this relation considers only diff with the first parent, which substantially limits its application >>> cs = tuple(File('minicms/templatetags/').commits) >>> len(cs) > 0 True >>> isinstance(cs[0], Commit) True """ for sha in self.commit_shas: c = Commit(sha) try: author = except ObjectNotFound: continue if author != 'GitHub Merge Button <>': yield c def __str__(self): return super(File, self).__str__().rstrip("\n\r")
[docs]class Author(_Base): """ Authors are initialized with a combination of name and email, as they appear in git configuration. >>> Author('John Doe <>') # doctest: +SKIP At this point we don't have a relation to map all aliases of the same author, so keep in mind this object represents an alias, not a person. """ type = 'author' _keys_registry_dtype = 'author_commits' def __init__(self, full_email): self.full_email = full_email super(Author, self).__init__(full_email) @cached_property def commit_shas(self): """ SHA1 of all commits authored by the Author >>> commits = Author('user2589 <>').commit_shas >>> len(commits) > 50 True >>> isinstance(commits, tuple) True >>> isinstance(commits[0], str) True >>> len(commits[0]) == 40 True """ return slice20(self.read_tch('author_commits', silent=True)) @property def commits(self): """ A generator of all Commit objects authored by the Author >>> commits = tuple(Author('user2589 <>').commits) >>> len(commits) > 50 True >>> isinstance(commits[0], Commit) True """ return (Commit(sha) for sha in self.commit_shas) @cached_property def files(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('author_files')) return tuple(file for file in (data and data.split(";"))) @cached_property def project_names(self): """ URIs of projects where author has committed to A generator of all Commit objects authored by the Author """ data = decomp(self.read_tch('author_projects')) return tuple(project_name for project_name in (data and data.split(";")) or [] if project_name and project_name != 'EMPTY') @cached_property def torvald(self): data = decomp(self.read_tch('author_trpath')) return tuple(path for path in (data and data.split(";")))
class Clickhouse_DB(object): ''' Clickhouse_DB class represents an instance of the clickhouse client It is initialized with a table name and a host name for the database ''' def __init__(self, tb_name, db_host): self.tb_name = tb_name self.db_host = db_host self.client_settings = {'strings_as_bytes':True, 'max_block_size':100000} self.client = clickhouse.Client(host=self.db_host, settings=self.client_settings) def query(self, query_str): return self.client.execute(query_str) def query_iter(self, query_str): row_iter = self.client.execute_iter(query_str) for row in row_iter: yield row def query_select(self, s_col, s_from, s_start, s_end): # normal query s_where = self.__where_condition(s_start, s_end) query_str = 'select {} from {} where {}'.format(s_col, s_from, s_where) return self.client.execute(query_str) def query_select_iter(self, s_col, s_from, s_start, s_end): # iterative query s_where = self.__where_condition(s_start, s_end) query_str = 'select {} from {} where {}'.format(s_col, s_from, s_where) row_iter = self.client.execute_iter(query_str) for row in row_iter: yield row def __where_condition(self, start, end): # checks if start and end date or time is valid and build the where clause dt = 'time' if not self.__check_time(start, end): dt = 'date' start = 'toDate(\'{}\')'.format(start) end = 'toDate(\'{}\')'.format(end) if end else None if end is None: return '{}={}'.format(dt, start) else: return '{}>={} AND {}<={}'.format(dt, start, dt, end) def __check_time(self, start, end): # make sure start and end are of the same type and must be either strings or ints if start is None: raise ValueError('start time cannot be None') elif not isinstance(start, int) and not isinstance(start, basestring): raise ValueError('start time must be either int or string') elif end is not None and not isinstance(end, int) and not isinstance(end, basestring): raise ValueError('end time must be either int or string') elif end is not None and type(start) is not type(end): raise ValueError('start and end must be of the same type') return (True if isinstance(start, int) else False) class Time_commit_info(Clickhouse_DB): ''' Time_commit_info class is initialized with table name and database host name the default table for commits is commits_all, and the default host is localhost No connection is established before the query is made. The 'commits_all' table description is the following: |__name___|______type_______| | sha1 | FixedString(20) | | time | Int32 | | tree | FixedString(20) | | author | String | | parent | String | | comment | String | | content | String | ''' columns = ['sha1', 'time', 'tree', 'author', 'parent', 'comment', 'content'] def __init__(self, tb_name='commits_all', db_host='localhost'): super(Time_commit_info, self).__init__(tb_name, db_host) def commit_counts(self, start, end=None): ''' return the count of commits between given date and time >>> t = Time_commit_info() >>> t.commit_counts(1568656268) 8 ''' rows = self.query_select('count(*)', self.tb_name, start, end) return rows[0][0] def commits_iter(self, start, end=None): ''' return a generator of Commit instances within a given date and time >>> t = Time_commit_info() >>> commits = t.commits_iter(1568656268) >>> c = >>> type(c) <class 'oscar.Commit'> >>> c.parent_shas ('9c4cc4f6f8040ed98388c7dedeb683469f7210f5',) ''' row_iter = self.query_select_iter('lower(hex(sha1))', self.tb_name, start, end) for row in row_iter: yield Commit(row[0]) def commits_shas(self, start, end=None): ''' return a list of shas within the given time and date >>> t = Time_commit_info() >>> shas = t.commits_shas(1568656268) >>> type(shas) <type 'list'> ''' rows = self.query_select('lower(hex(sha1))', self.tb_name, start, end) return [row[0] for row in rows] def commits_shas_iter(self, start, end=None): ''' return a generator of all sha1 within the given time and date >>> t = Time_commit_info() >>> for sha1 in t.commits_shas_iter(1568656268): ... print(sha1) ''' row_iter = self.query_select_iter('lower(hex(sha1))', self.tb_name, start, end) for row in row_iter: yield row[0] class Time_project_info(Clickhouse_DB): ''' Time_project_info class is initialized with table name and database host name The default table name for projects is projects_all, and the default database name is localhost This class contains methods to query for project data The 'b2cPtaPkgR_all' table descrption is the following: |___name___|______type_______| | blob | FixedString(20) | | commit | FixedString(20) | | project | String | | time | UInt32 | | author | String | | language | String | | deps | String | ''' columns = ['blob', 'commit', 'project', 'time', 'author', 'language', 'deps'] def __init__(self, tb_name='b2cPtaPkgR_all', db_host='localhost'): super(Time_project_info, self).__init__(tb_name, db_host) def get_values_iter(self, cols, start, end): ''' return a generator for table rows for a given time interval >>> from oscar import Time_project_info as Proj >>> p = Proj() >>> rows = p.get_values_iter(['time','project'], 1568571909, 1568571910) >>> for row in rows: ... print(row) ... (1568571909, 'mrtrevanderson_CECS_424') (1568571909, 'gitlab.com_surajpatel_tic_toc_toe') (1568571909, 'gitlab.com_surajpatel_tic_toc_toe') ... ''' cols = self.__wrap_cols(cols) rows_iter = self.query_select_iter(', '.join(cols), self.tb_name, start, end) for row in rows_iter: yield row def project_timeline(self, cols, project): ''' return a generator for all rows given a project name (ordered by time) >>> rows = p.project_timeline(['time','project'], 'mrtrevanderson_CECS_424') >>> for row in rows: ... print(row) ... (1568571909, 'mrtrevanderson_CECS_424') (1568571909, 'mrtrevanderson_CECS_424') (1568571909, 'mrtrevanderson_CECS_424') ... ''' cols = self.__wrap_cols(cols) query_str = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE project=\'{}\' ORDER BY time'\ .format(', '.join(cols), self.tb_name, project) rows_iter = self.query_iter(query_str) for row in rows_iter: yield row def author_timeline(self, cols, author): ''' return a generator for all rows given an author (ordered by time) >>> rows = p.author_timeline(['time', 'project'], 'Andrew Gacek <>') >>> for row in rows: ... print(row) ... (49, 'smaccm_camera_demo') (677, 'smaccm_vm_hack') (1180017188, 'teyjus_teyjus') ... ''' cols = self.__wrap_cols(cols) query_str = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE author=\'{}\' ORDER BY time'\ .format(', '.join(cols), self.tb_name, author) rows_iter = self.query_iter(query_str) for row in rows_iter: yield row def __wrap_cols(self, cols): ''' wraps cols to select before querying ''' for i in range(len(cols)): if cols[i] == 'commit' or cols[i] == 'blob': cols[i] = 'lower(hex({}))'.format(cols[i]) return cols